Sign the Giving Pledge
Here's the thing. No one is holding you to this ... except you.
Sometimes we need just to throw down the gauntlet, saying (defiantly), "I will no longer look at money the way this world looks at it ... as a tool for accumulation, materialism, mindless consumerism. In the Western world, we are discipled ... constantly ... to save and consume and - maybe - give a little, as long as it doesn't cost us anything. But, as followers of Christ, we're called to serve with the money we've been given (yes, "given").
God says, "Hey, look at that need. What do you think we should do about that need, my love?" And because we love Him, we're to answer in a way that aligns with His will.
Time to take a stand with our money. Amen? Make a statement today. Take the pledge by filling out the form below.